Experience of well-being among inland skippers

  • We develop tools for community workers that help inland skippers better tailor their services to the needs of the navigation community. 
  • In brief:
    • We research:
      • What difficulties and needs do skippers encounter as a result of their sailing lifestyle?
      • How do they rate the accessibility and adequacy of the facilities provided on shore?
    • We do this through mixed method design, namely web surveys & in-depth interviews.



  • Social Inclusion Research Centre
  • Financing:
    • De Schroef vzw
    • Care Department (Flemish government)
  • Research duration: 01 December 2020 - 30 November 2021
  • Project partner: De Schroef vzw

Formulation of problem

De Schroef vzw, a community organisation for inland skippers, aims to reshape its services and make them more relevant to the actual needs of the sailing community in 2022, based on a study of the needs and requirements of inland skippers and the perceived gaps in the facilities for its target group. 

In this research, we employ a mixed method design (web surveys & in-depth interviews), to gain insights into the challenges associated with a contemporary sailing lifestyle, as well as the (new) needs and expectations of inland skippers regarding the provision of (welfare and care) facilities on shore.   

Research questions

The study is structured around two key research questions:

  1. What difficulties and needs do skippers encounter as a result of their sailing lifestyle?
  2. How accessible and adequate do they rate the facilities provided on shore, and the services of De Schroef? 

The findings from the web surveys and in-depth interviews serve as the basis for identifying key considerations and recommendations for adjusting the operations of De Schroef vzw and for proposing several policy suggestions.


The findings of the research indicate that the sailing lifestyle of today’s inland skippers and their families encompasses several unique challenges and difficulties. The three greatest concerns inland skippers express are:   

  • The difficulty of building and maintaining a social network.
  • The difficulty in making agreements with healthcare providers on shore.
  • The difficulty of participating in sports and cultural activities and various leisure activities.

Want to know more, collaborate or have a press question?

You can collaborate with our research centre Social Inclusion on topics such as:

  • Environmental analysis, empowerment measurement, or custom scientific support.
  • Expertise on care, assistance and community building.
  • Impact measurements.

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