bAIcycle: road surface classification with e-bikes and smartphones

  • We develop an app that allows citizens to map the condition of cycle paths while cycling.
  • Goal:
    • We also develop an algorithm that can automatically create a classification of the road surface quality.
    • The data informs government authorities about the condition of the cycle paths, enabling them to make necessary improvements.
    • Knowledge institutions, companies, local authorities and citizens work together.

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+32 3 613 10 58

  • Research duration: 01 September 2023 - 31 August 2025
  • In collaboration with: Sentigrate
  • Partners: Bpost
  • Financing: Slimme Regio Province of Flemish Brabant
  • Sustainable Industries research centre

Improve the condition of Flemish cycle paths with your own bike, a smartphone and an app. In a nutshell, that is what we want to achieve with bAIcycle. The data citizens collect while cycling serves as a valuable resource for government authorities to improve the condition of cycle paths.

Lack of up-to-date insight

The condition and furnishing of Flemish cycle paths has been an issue for years, also in the Province of Flemish Brabant. The lack of up-to-date insight into the condition of the many thousands of kilometres of cycle paths is of even greater importance. This makes it very difficult to prioritise where improvements should be made. bAIcycle is currently studying how cyclists can aid in documenting the condition of cycle paths and routes. The project’s objective is to further develop an algorithm that can automatically create a classification of the road surface quality with only the data from a smartphone. The research is centred on developing a proof-of-concept smartphone application and making measurement data accessible to stakeholders like road authorities and logistics companies.

Mature proof of concept

In this project, knowledge institutions, companies, local authorities and citizens work together in a co-creation process. The project aims to deliver a mature proof of concept for the smartphone applications, complete with the underlying algorithm, and detailed with use cases from the Province of Flemish Brabant. By publishing the measured cycle paths on platforms like Open Street Map using suitable Open Standards, and employing map layers that align with the Cadastre, the project results can be utilised broadly.


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  • Greening chemical processes and reusing waste streams.
  • AI-based tools developed in-house, to optimise your processes and products.
  • Developing alternative propulsion systems, alternative fuel systems, and emission measurements of internal combustion engines.
  • Vehicle data analyses using simulations and reverse engineering on CAN bus systems.

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