We are looking for applications for oil/fat from DAF sludge. In addition to extraction and possible reprocessing and/or modification, we map the economic feasibility of the entire process.
In brief:
- A waste stream in wastewater treatment is dissolved air flotation sludge (DAF) and often contains a high concentration of oil or grease.
- Disposing of this sludge is expensive.
- We are looking for optimisation and applications for oil/fat from DAF sludge.
Intended output:
- Optimised extraction process
- Overview of fat content and composition/purity of fat from DAF sludge
- Overview of potential applications/disposals
- Business plan
+32 3 502 22 16
- Funding: PWO
- Duration of study: 1 September 2021 - 31 December 2024
- Research centre Sustainable Industries
- Partners:
- Aaqua
- BioWAVE research group (UAntwerpen)
- Watercircle
- Cre@Aqua
- Pluvera
Wastewater treatment creates new waste streams. Dissolved air flotation sludge (DAF) is one of these waste streams. This waste stream often contains a high concentration of oil or grease.
Companies with wastewater treatment plants currently have to pay to have their sludge disposed of. In some cases, the sludge is fermented producing biogas but this is a rather low-grade application for a feedstock stream that contains high-value components.
What are the applications?
In this PWO project, research centre Sustainable Industries wants to look for applications for oil/fat from DAF sludge. The valorisation of the research results is an important element here. The fat or oil will therefore not only be extracted and possibly purified and/or modified, but also the economic feasibility of the entire process will be mapped.
First, the situation in Flanders will be mapped out: what is the fat content in DAF sludge from different sectors, what is the purity of the extracted fat, ... ? The extraction procedure will then be optimised with a view to the economic feasibility of the process. Together with the extraction procedure, pre-treatment, purification and modification will also be studied. Parallel to the scientific research, the valorisation part is studied through a market survey. Based on the results of this survey, a business plan will be drawn up.
At the end of the project, there will be an overview of the fat content and composition/purity of fat from DAF sludge coming from different industrial sectors in Flanders as well as an overview of the potential applications/dispositions of this fat.
Want to know more, collaborate or have a press question?
You can collaborate with our research centre Sustainable Industries on topics such as:
- Greening chemical processes and reusing waste streams.
- AI-based tools developed in-house, to optimise your processes and products.
- Developing alternative propulsion systems, alternative fuel systems, and emission measurements of internal combustion engines.
- Vehicle data analyses using simulations and reverse engineering on CAN bus systems.
Contact us without obligation
- Call +32 3 502 22 16
- E-mail jeroen.geuens@kdg.be