Are you looking for a pleasant study environment? Or a student-oriented university college?
Make it what you want it to be!
- Not by complaining or shrugging your shoulders
- But by making a constructive contribution to educational and university college policies
- And, of course, by sharing good ideas
What’s the most effective way? Opt for the role of student representative.
- Join the participation council of your study programme (study programme-related matters)
- Join the participation council of the university college (academic matters)
- Join the participation council for student services (KdG Stuvo)
Extra benefits for you? (No money or extra grades, but certainly an added value for your resume)
- You learn to take responsibility
- You learn about meeting and consultation techniques
- You learn to weigh pros and cons quickly and effectively
- You receive a certificate at the end of your mandate
Moreover, you get a chance to find out about all our various participation bodies within the KdG organisation chart.
International Student Council
After a successful pilot project in 2020-2021, KdG has officially started with an International Student Council.
This council is for and by:
- All students in English-taught bachelor and master programmes
- International students in Dutch-taught programmes
The International Student Council is an informal participation body where above students can exchange experiences and discuss their specific needs and requirements that transcend their programme or campus.
The council creates a voice for international students around:
- Internal and external communication
- Services to international students
- Interaction, integration and well-being of these students
- Quality of their international experience in general
For incoming and outgoing exchange students (Erasmus), the council holds a specific ‘exchange meeting’ once a year.
Would you like to know more about this council and/or are you interested in joining? Send an email to