Studying with a representation mandate

If, during your studies, you sit on the Academic Council, Student Services Council, Study Programme Student Council, Study Programme Advisory Council, or KdG Student Council, or you participate in external consultative bodies, such as ASO (Antwerp Student Council), ASRA (Antwerp Student Council Association), VVS (Flemish Union of Students), or AUHA (Antwerp University Association), a representation mandate measures may help you get the most out of these appointments. How do you apply for a representation mandate? 

How can you apply for a representation mandate?

Your application comprises the following steps:

  • Go to and register.
  • Click on ‘new application’ and then ‘individual learning certificate’. Fill out your application.
  • Upload your certificates/supporting documents if necessary.
  • Submit your application.
  • You will be assigned a contact person via email. Make an appointment with your contact person.
  • As a student you can follow the status of your application in your digital student file. If your application with individual study and examination arrangements is approved, you will find your individual learning certificate in your digital student file. You will be able to consult this certificate at all times there. Print the certificate to make use of special examination arrangements during the exams.

Do you have any further questions

Please contact the study career counsellor of the degree programme for which you are enrolled.