Guidance and support

  • You are not alone
  • There is always room for your questions
  • KdG staff are here to support you with your studies

Students with special needs can apply for individual measures, which are set down in an 'Individual Learning Certificate' (ILC).

The granting of these allows for certain concessions in your education and evaluation.

Are any of the above needs relevant to you? 

Each of the links provides you with further information but if you have questions or require tailor-made support, please contact

Examples of measures available

  • Permission to join a class later or leave a class earlier
  • Provision of accessible/adapted seating during teaching activities
  • The possibility to deviate from standard internship arrangements and/or internship period
  • Getting extra time for taking an exam
  • Taking exams with noise-cancelling headphones
  • Receiving extra guidance and support from a care coach with individual sessions or workshops during the academic year.

We’re here to help you study in comfort and to give all students an equal chance of achieving your goals.

Study Career Counsellor

Each student is assigned a personal Study Career Counsellor who monitors the student’s academic results and offers advice, encouragement, timely words of caution, etc.

We support you mainly at the start of your studies. As time goes on, you are able to take on more and more responsibility for your own learning process.

Study Programme Career Coordinator

If you feel that you are not making sufficient progress with your studies or study method or are unsure about how to plan your work properly, you may contact your Study Programme Career Coordinator for assistance.

Doubts about your choice of study? Did you expect something else or are your results falling short of your expectations? You are also welcome to discuss such matters with your Study Programme Career Coordinator.

Psychosocial counselling

If you are feeling low or down in the dumps for any reason, please don’t hesitate to ask for advice. You may contact the student counsellor on your campus in complete discretion.


If there is a problem that you cannot solve via the concerned university college staff member (lector, lecturer, student counsellor, Student Office staff, etc.), please contact your ombuds. Go through our regulations to see how we handle complaints or resolve material errors.

To find out how you can be supported individually for your chosen programme, contact our dedicated personnel at each KdG campus.

Campus Groenplaats: (for Applied Computer Science and International Business Management)

Campus Hoboken: or (for Multimedia & Creative Technologies)

Campus Zuid: or  (also for Multimedia & Creative Technologies)

Campus Sint Lucas Antwerpen: (for our Master’s degrees)

Is something bothering you? Are you feeling a little down? Or could you do with someone lending a friendly ear?

We will provide the appropriate support whether it's about fear of failure, procrastination, assertiveness, stress, loneliness, worry ...


And take a look at the self-help tools from Moodspace.

The following finance options are avaiable to support you with your studies.

  • Short-term loan

What is it?

A short-term loan can hel you to pay for expensive study materials (e.g. buying a laptop). You can borrow up to a maximum of € 750 and the loan must be paid back in instalments during the same academic year.

For whom? 

Every KdG student can apply for a short-term loan.

  • Scholarship Flemish Community

Under certain conditions students may be eligible for a scholarship issued by the Flemish Community. The main criterium is your nationality, or more particularly, the type of visa or residence permit you have to reside in Belgium.

Check here to see whether you fulfil the residency requirements. Please note: if you are residing in Belgium under a student or work visa, you will not be eligible.

For more info, contact