Pathway Veerkrachtig Starten starts in Samen aan Z

It is often in the news: the care and welfare industry in Flanders and the Netherlands is grappling with a scarcity of labour. There is a growing demand for care, but an insufficient number of individuals are opting for a career in care. In addition, we see an exodus of healthcare workers and prolonged absences due to illnesses (burn-out). Through the Samen aan Z project we want to increase the retention of healthcare providers by concentrating on sustainable tasks, work that doesn't cause illness or stress, that is motivating and stimulating, and provides learning and development opportunities.

In the context of Samen aan Z, the research centre Care in Connection set up the pathway Veerkrachtig Starten (in Dutch) in March 2024, directed towards entry-level healthcare providers. In the Blijf aan Z and Simuleer-Kracht projects (in Dutch), interventions centred around sustainable tasks were developed, piloted and partially validated through scientific methods. 

Support for starters

Specifically young staff members form a vulnerable group. The transition from being a student to being a entry-level healthcare or welfare provider is an important challenge. This transition often comes with stress. There's a lot of uncertainty in a new role, which makes you vulnerable for burn-out. The pathway Veerkrachtig Starten supports starting healthcare and welfare providers  in their ‘starting process’. 

Since the beginning of March 2024, a handful of entry-level professionals are following a pathway in which they can exchange experiences in the safe context of peer support sessions. In addition, they can practice specific situations in simulation trainings.

 More information about the project Samen aan Z

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You can collaborate with our research centre Care in Connection on topics such as:

  • Knowledge and expertise in various fields, from birth to care for the elderly.
  • Innovative methods to improve healthcare practices for patients and providers.

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