Classroom management and a safe classroom climate

This research focuses on preventing the disruption of order and reducing the prevalence of disrupting behaviour among pupils in mainstream primary and secondary education in Flanders.

The project has two objectives. First, we conduct a scientific analysis of the key characteristics of a classroom climate that promotes learning and prevents disruptive behaviour by pupils. We also examine driving forces and thresholds for the development of such a classroom climate, as well as the impact of factors at the macro, school, and classroom levels. Furthermore, we focus on practice-oriented valorisation and develop a practical guide. To realise the first objective, we conduct a thorough literature review (in three phases).

We evaluate the theoretical framework

Based on this cyclical process, we develop a first version of the theoretical framework, which we evaluate against the Flemish and international practice. We conduct focus groups consisting of the relevant actors in Flanders (school teams, administrations, support workers, teacher trainers and scientists). In addition, we discuss the framework and challenges we face in Flanders with education stakeholders in countries where – according to TALIS results – there are fewer problems in terms of classroom management.

After adjustment and evaluation of the theoretical framework, we select a minimum of ten concrete practices and look for schools in which these practices can be applied effectively. We aim for concrete practices across diverse educational levels and contexts that refer to diverse and essential characteristics/building blocks and driving forces in the theoretical framework.

We provide one school visit per practice, during which we describe the practice in detail. We survey stakeholders' experiences (school teams, pupils and external staff) through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and observations if deemed useful. In these conversations we try to gauge the preceding process, critical factors of success and (Flemish) preconditions, in order to formulate implementation recommendations.

We gather these insights in a practical guide

The insights gained in this case study form the basis of the practical guide. The project produces two scientific reports, a practical guide and recommendations for the implementation in Flemish schools, teacher training, professionalisation in the educational field (CLB (pupil guidance centre), pedagogical guidance services, supporting networks, ...) and for the collaboration with other relevant actors.

Contact (promotor)

Flanders + UA

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You can collaborate with our research centre Future-driven Education  on topics such as:

  • Support for qualitative education starting from the (metropolitan) context.
  • Expertise in sustainable education, school leadership, and diversity competences of school teams.

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