DECIDE, reducing bias in decision-making processes within higher education

  • We develop effective and efficient strategies that aid in the development of the de-biasing & life skills competence.
  • Objective:
    • Guide for professionals in higher education focusing on formative and summative assessments without bias.
    • Development of an online course and educational strategies.
  • Target group: education and professions and professional environments where decision-making without bias is of utmost importance.

+32 3 502 27 93

  • Research duration: 01 September2023 - 31 August 2026
  • Future-driven Education research centre
  • Funding: European Union
  • Project partners:
    • National Training Centre (Bulgaria) – NTC (coordination)
    • Artevelde University of Applied Sciences (Belgium)
    • KOC University (Turkey)
    • Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria)

In the DECIDE project: De-biasing in Higher Education for Improved Decision-making Skills, we, along with a European consortium of five partners from Bulgaria, Turkey, and Belgium, aspire to identify the most effective and efficient strategies that contribute to what we wish to define as a new competency: the de-biasing & life skills competence. We see here a special relevance for education and for professions and professional environments where decision-making without bias is of utmost importance.


By conducting literature and data studies on de-biasing strategies and interventions, we aim to develop a methodology for evaluating de-biasing intervention procedures. As a result of this research, a suite of competencies will be developed for bias awareness and bias management that are pertinent to decision-making. We will also create a guide for professionals in higher education focusing on formative and summative assessments without bias, a guide addressing bias in pupil assessment, a free online course on an LMS platform — well-structured and filled with content — for independent and supervised study. Finally, we will also develop a series of educational strategies.


Funded by the European Union

Want to know more, collaborate or have a press enquiry?

You can collaborate with our research centre Future-driven Education  on topics such as:

  • Support for qualitative education starting from the (metropolitan) context.
  • Expertise in sustainable education, school leadership, and diversity competences of school teams.

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Call +32 3 613 10 78
