Why this project?
Digital media play a role in children's lives from a very young age. In the literature, we find on the one hand great concern about the possible negative effects of digitisation on children's development. On the other hand, there is optimism about the opportunities of digitalisation, with a side note concern that due to inequality not all children will be able to take advantage of those opportunities.
The two concerns lead to advice to pay attention to digital literacy and 'digital education' already in daycare and schools for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. The advice to have child carers take on the role of media mentor takes little account of the specific requirements and day-to-day realities of reception practice. In this project, together with child carers, we want to look for ways to deal with the complexity of digital media in their practice, taking into account both the scientific literature and reception practice.
Aim of the research
Starting from the idea that digitalisation is already present in childcare practice and in children's daily lives, we are looking for ways to strengthen carers and their organisations in a pedagogically responsible and practically feasible way of dealing with digitalisation, in this project called a 'digital pedagogy' (DIGIPED). In this way, digital pedagogy can expand the action repertoire of supervisors of children aged 0 to 6. Approach The research maps the current handling of digitalisation in childcare settings with mobile phone diaries in reception settings and with a survey for child supervisors. In addition, DIGIPED takes an intensive, participatory approach, in the form of a research lab. In it, we work towards a digital pedagogy, thanks to the methodology of controversy mapping. Learning content In DIGIPED, the perspectives of child supervisors on the use of digital media are central, along with their daily practices and frameworks of action around this. Initially, we want to find out what knowledge and views are held by them, only then to actively expand and translate them into their pedagogical practice. As digital media are rapidly evolving, it is not a knowledge tool that seems useful, but a reflection and action repertoire that takes into account the professional profile of child supervisors.
- Funding: PWO
- Pedagogy in Practice research centre
- Duration of research: 1 January 2022 - 31 December 2023
- Project partners:
- MediaWijs
- Vlaams Kenniscentrum Mediawijsheid
- Vlaams Welzijnsverbond
- Kinderopvang vzw (Turnhout)
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You can work with the research centre Pedagogy in Practice on various topics, including:
- Connecting different pedagogical practices.
- Expertise on organisational structures.
- Practical tools that focus on interactions in pedagogical practices.
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- Call +32 3 613 15 28
- E-mail dietlinde.willockx@kdg.be