Pedagogy in Practice

Research centre

  • Our research focuses on: 
    • Interactions in pedagogical practices
    • Organisational structures in pedagogical practices
    • Networks of pedagogical practices
  • Our research helps strengthen or rethink pedagogical practices.
  • We develop practice-based tools for organisations working with children aged zero to 16 years old that can be used directly in the workplace, such as reflection tools, e-learning courses, as well as continuous learnings. 
  • The main question: How do we ensure sustainable quality and innovation in pedagogical practices?

Interactions in pedagogical practices

Pedagogical practice is heavily reliant on interactions. Interactions between staff, with and between children, but also with parents, for example. We develop useful tools relating to topics you encounter in these interactions.

Examples include:

  • (Outdoor) play 
  • Language and communication 
  • Wellbeing and engagement 
  • Group dynamics between children 
  • Using digital tools 
  • Diversity

Organisational structures

A pedagogical practice is an organisation that needs to be run like any other. Policy and organisation are therefore also a relevant research topic. We develop practice-based tools on such topics as: 

  • Team coaching
  • Leadership style
  • Visioning
  • Work organisation

Networks of pedagogical practices

It takes a village to raise a child. Nurseries, sports clubs, child care after hours, schools: instead of being islands, all these organisations are always connected. In this theme, we develop practical tools for pedagogical practices, offering them the support they need to operate within a network. What is needed, and how should you go about this?


  • VRAC. How can schools and leisure organisations work together in a network to combat school drop-out? We published a brochure that offers inspiration for anyone interested in setting up such a network.
  • PACE. How can childcare organisations work together in a network to offer parents various forms of flexibility? To this end, we developed a workbook and webinar, as well as checklists and other useful tools for employers, counsellors, and employment agencies on this topic.
  • Childcare 2030. How can we use SDG's as a framework for implementing sustainability in two day-care centres in Flanders? In this article, we wrote down the desired actions and structural changes we noticed during our project.
  • Exploring the power of natural outdoor spaces in enhancing early childhood practitioners' wellbeing. Through this study we unraveled the positive outcomes of greening outdoor spaces in childcare centers in Flanders and the challenges that it may encompass.
  • Allegories on creating opportunities for dialogue between childcare practitioners and parents during an action research in two out-of-school care centres. The article focuses on showing how the work on contacts between practitioners and parents also changed the meaning practitioners attached to parental involvement in out-of-school care.
  • Born to socialize. This brochure shares findings from recent research on how young children behave and interact socially. It also includes practical exercises to inspire professionals in early childhood care and education. Eight thematic chapters explore topics such as crying, facial recognition, imitation, and cooperation, tailored to different age groups. The goal is to help educators and caregivers observe, understand, and support children in their development more effectively.
We explore what an inclusive society means for children and young people and what is needed for it. What are working factors and strategies, and what policy recommendations can we make?
Sep 2023 - Jun 2024
Departement Jeugd, Cultuur en Media (Vlaamse overheid)
Diversity and interculturalism are high on the agenda in our society. Indygame is a game for discussing intercultural dynamics in teams in day-care centres, out-of-school clubs and primary schools.
Jul 2016 - Sep 2020
This cross-border EU project aims to support job-seeking parents in their path to work by facilitating access to childcare, encouraging parental engagement, and guiding the move to work.
Jul 2016 - Sep 2020
Interreg 2 Zeeën
In this research, we find out how to strengthen supervisors and their organisations in a pedagogically sound and practically feasible handling of digitalisation, in this project called a 'digital pedagogy' (DIGIPED). In this way, digital pedagogy can expand the action repertoire of supervisors of children aged 0 to 6.
Jan 2022 - Dec 2023
The VRAC project is a European project that aims to develop a family-centred integrated community service in deprived neighbourhoods. VRAC aims to reduce school dropout and early school leaving among vulnerable children and young people.
Jan 2019 - Jan 2023
Interreg 2 Zeeën

Want to know more, collaborate or have a press question?

You can work with the research centre Pedagogy in Practice on various topics, including:

  • Connecting different pedagogical practices.
  • Expertise on organisational structures.
  • Practical tools that focus on interactions in pedagogical practices.

Contact us without obligation