International Business Management

Professional bachelor of International Business Management

The professional bachelor’s degree in International Business Management focuses on all aspects of managing a business.  

  • The first bachelor year is the same for all specialisations. It covers topics such as sustainability, economics, cross-cultural communication, law, trade, accounting, sales, and personal development.  
  • In the second semester, you will get a taste of the specialisation you have chosen in the lab. 
  • In the second and third bachelor year you then go deeper into your specialisation. 
  • All specialisations are wide-ranging, include electives, team projects, company visits, and an internship. You will get the chance to prove your skills in the area that interests you the most.  

When you apply to study International Business Management, you will be asked to make your choice of specilaisation.

Read this information in Dutch

You can choose from 3 specializations:

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