The Action Group on Food & Nutrition, a subgroup of the A3 Group in the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing (EIP-AHA) has developed a common, integrated vision on the food and nutritional approach to frailty, taking into account also the impact of social integration and psychosocial behavior of the elderly. A main part in this common vision is called “Primary Food Care and the Gastrological Approach”. This vision has initially been developed as a response to the inefficiencies and inequalities in the approach of malnutrition and risk for malnutrition in European health care systems. Implementing and scaling up this common vision, including Primary Food Care, in European health care systems will be an important mission in the coming years. However, a successful implementation of the common vision, especially Primary Food Care and Gastrology, requires better trained chefs and kitchen staff, increased awareness of professional caregivers, inter-professional training and an interdisciplinary life-long-learning approach. Transnational cooperation is needed to share knowledge and experience in cultural differences in food and cooking processes. We will offer a cluster of flexible training programs, including teasers (3 hours), workshops, one-day-trainings, short modules, shared care plans, summer courses and transnational transfers of knowledge.
The main objective of this transnational project is to achieve a meaningful integration of well-trained chefs and kitchen staff on the labour market, and within health care systems in particular, by developing a high standard learning program. Data from the European Labour Force Survey as well as forecasts from the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training indicate a considerable drop in the demand for low qualified workers in the future ahead. Developing a skilled workforce responding to labour market needs is an important element of the EU guidelines for employment policies. Therefore, this transnational project aims to initiate a reorganization of the basic training of chefs to level 5 and 6, according to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
Alongside the chefs, care professionals involved in food and nutritional care on patient level, like nurses and nurse aids, will be trained in this transnational project, according to the principles of the common vision, especially the part of Primary Food Care and the Gastrological Approach. The aim is to structurally anchor or integrate screening, assessment and monitoring skills in nursing education and practice on European level.
- Financiering: Europees Sociaal Fonds
- Duur onderzoek: 1 juni 2017 – 31 dec 2019
- Projectpartners:
- Center for Gastrology Leuven
- University College Odisee Ghent
- VTI Hotelschool Leuven
- Medirest (Compass-Group Belgilux)
- Department of Public Health Federico II University and Hospital Naples
- Medewerkers:
- Bart Geurden
- Marleen Corremans
- Bert Kwaspen

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